Item Coversheet
Board of County Commissioners
April 12, 2021
6:00 PM
Item number: VII.a.
Proposed Revised Animal Control Ordinance
Contact: Assistant County Manager/Clerk to the Board Shannon Shaver
Recently there was a discussion on adding a tethering ordinance to the existing Animal Control Ordinance which led to the Animal Control Advisory Board working with Eric Cone with the Sheriff's office making additional recommended changes to the ordinance that they have been working on. County Attorney Browder has reviewed and his recommended changes have been made. Attached is the original ordinance and the revised one with the changes in yellow. This was discussed at the previous meeting with the Board requesting a recommendation from the Animal Control Advisory Board. The revised draft is attached for review and members of the Animal Control Advisory Board will be in attendance to answer any questions from the BOCC.
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Memo of Approval
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Revised Animal Control Ordinance 4-4-21 DRAFT
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Animal Control Revised Ordinance
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Existing Animal Control Ordinance last amended November 2019
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