Item number: VI.b.
Review of the BOCC Adopted Rules of Procedure
Contact: Chairman Andy Nickelston
A request was received from Chairman Andy Nickelston to review the BOCC policy on Public Comments. Attached is the current Rules of Procedure adopted by the BOCC which includes Public Comments. Also attached is guidance from the UNC School of Government regarding Public Comment periods and a proposed amendment to public comments from County Attorney Browder.
The Board may elect to make other changes to the Rules of Procedure such as under Rule 8 needs to be updated to reflect livestreaming and archiving meetings.
At the meeting on March 22nd this was discussed and Commissioner Morris presented the Board with a proposed amended policy for public comments for consideration. After some discussion the Board elected to place this on the Discussion Agenda for the meeting on April 12th.
Attached are some recommended changes to the Rules of Procedure discussed at the previous meeting.