






Monday March 8, 2021


Opening Statement / Roll Call

The Board of Commissioners of the County of Stokes, State of North Carolina, met for a Regular Meeting in the Stokes County Administration Building in the Commissioners Chambers located in Danbury, North Carolina on Monday March 8, 2021 at 6:00 pm with the following members present:


Board of Commissioners Present: Chairman Andy Nickelston, Vice Chairman Sonya Cox,

Commissioner Wayne Barneycastle, Commissioner Ronnie Mendenhall, and Commissioner Rick Morris


County Administration Present: County Manager Jake Oakley, Assistant County Manager/Clerk to the Board Shannon Shaver, County Attorney Ty Browder, and Finance Director Julia Edwards



Chairman Nickelston called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Commissioners to order.


Commissioner Mendenhall delivered the Invocation.
Chairman Nickelston lead the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance and invited those in attendance to join.
Commissioner Mendenhall moved to approve the Agenda as presented.

Vice-Chairman Cox seconded the motion. The motion Passed.
COMMENTS - Managers/Commissioners

Commissioner Morris commented:

  • Welcome to everybody here that has joined us both online and in the room.


Commissioner Barneycastle commented:

  • It is great to see everyone here and welcome to those watching online.
  • We have finally had a break in the weather with another beautiful day today and hopefully it will stay that way for a while.


Commissioner Mendenhall commented:

  • Thanks to everyone who came out tonight and for everyone that is watching online today I say thank you to you as well.
  • The Lord has blessed us with a beautiful day today.


Vice Chair Cox commented:

  • Thanks to everyone for being here and participating in local government.
  • It is good to be here and see everyone and I wish everyone at home that can't be here good health.
  • I hope everyone can get out and enjoy the beautiful sunshine and get some Vitamin D as it helps to fight COVID-19.
  • It is one of natures healers.
  • I appreciate everyone being here.


Chairman Nickelston commented:

  • Welcome to everyone and thanks for being here.
  • It is good to see some people here from the Town of Walnut Cove and I will make it to one of your meetings one of these days.


County Manager Oakley commented:

  • Welcome to everyone here.
  • I hope everyone is doing well and continues to do well.



Public Comments

Chairman Nickelston opened the floor for public comments at 6:07 pm.


The following individuals spoke during public comments:


Sri Ananda Sarvasri

1060 Tyler Road

Walnut Cove, NC 27052


RE: 5 years of presentations


  • I have made presentations here for a little over 5 years.
  • Some of the new Commissioners may not be aware of all of the presentations that I have made.
  • I wanted to give you a link to those presentations so that you could take a look at them.
  • I have offered lots of information, and solutions to the problems facing the county.
  • I think it would be fun to take a look at those solutions.
  • That link is which is my website.
  • This is for anyone that wants to take a look at all of the presentations that I have made.
  • It is about 50 pages of things we can do to make Stokes County happier, healthier, and greener.
  • If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
  • All of my contact information is located on the presentations.






Kim Greenwood

4828 NC Hwy 89

Westfield, NC 27053


RE: Town of Walnut Cove


  • It is good to see everyone.
  • I am here on behalf of the Town of Walnut Cove tonight and Mayor Brown is here with me.
  • We just wanted to stop by and thank you all for the tremendous job you do for us. 
  • Mayor Brown and I were discussing last week of some of our blessings of the town.
  • We are physically in good shape, and things are coming to town as we grow.
  • She is one that always encourages me to thank those folks that do so much for us.
  • Sometimes in government we are quick to point out the things that don't go our way but we are negligent in thanking the folks that do so much for us.
  • We depend on the Stokes County Sheriff's Department for our law enforcement.
  • We contract with the county Fire Marshal's office.
  • Brandon does a tremendous job for us with EMS and disasters.
  • I call on Shannon and Jake so much with administrative questions.
  • Will Carter is here and I ask him for his help and advice on many occasions.
  • As Walnut Cove grows we often need help and he has used his contacts to help us.
  • We just wanted to stop and thank you all for being good neighbors and friends.
  • I think this is the way government is designed and supposed to work.
  • On behalf of Mayor Brown and the Commissioners in Walnut Cove we hope you know you have a friend in Walnut Cove and we look forward to many more years of this.


Andy Stevens

157 Old Garner Drive 

King, NC 27021


RE: Conceal Carry Rights


I am here tonight to speak up for the Constitutional Rights of Stokes County government employees, and as this pertains to gun rights, officially stating the views of both Grass Roots North Carolina ( and Gun Owners of America, two "No Compromise" Gun Rights Organizations and where I hold leadership roles in each.

I wish to address the perceived hesitation of this Board to acknowledge that just over thirteen months ago Stokes County Commissioners, with the largest crowd in recent memory, and by a unanimous Resolution declared our County to be a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County. Several of you sitting Commissioners voted that night to make it so. Yet since that time, we see the resolve to put words into action appear to be lacking. The Town of Danbury for example, the very seat of Stokes County, has established itself as a gunfire free zone and Walnut Cove seems poised to move in this very direction tomorrow night.  Heck, just a few months ago, right here from the dais of the Commissioner's bench we heard rumblings of enacting a county-wide firearms discharge ordinance. Thankfully, that effort finally, quietly, was kicked to the curb.

Tonight, this Board has scheduled yet another round of discussion over a potential limitation of one's 2nd Amendment Right to bear arms. Making a group of citizens and residents potential defenseless, 2nd class serfs. Enough already! Kick this one to the curb, too! Are we not a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County?

Should you need some reassuring facts to comfort you in rendering the correct decision take succor in these:


Statistically, concealed carry permit holders as a group are more law abiding 'than those employed by law enforcement.

From a safety standpoint about "accidents"; well, having to holster, unholster, or leave a firearm unattended whether in a vehicle, a desk drawer, or a purse increases the risk of an accidental discharge or theft. The safest, most secure location for one's firearm is on their person. All the time.

"Magic Signs" placed on doors or words on paper do NOT prevent malcontents, miscreants, and sociopaths from carrying out their diabolical deeds on the innocent and unsuspecting. Safety in such places is a hopeless myth.

The beauty of unrestricted lawful concealed carry is the uncertainty it certainly provides. This guaranteed uncertainty/certainty translates to safety for all. The flock is protected by invisible sheepdogs who blend in without notice by those who might do harm to others in the group.

Finally, millions of North Carolinians lawfully possess firearms and the number of Citizens possessing valid Concealed Carry Permits in our State now approaches 800,000. Nationally, over eight million citizens bought their FIRST firearm in the last year, too. Look around in any public gathering and you can expect no less than one in eight to be discreetly armed. Stokes County, as both our former and current Sheriffs can tell you, has more than its fair share of gun owners and concealed carry permit holders. We are a well-armed, freedom loving bunch.

I'll be in Raleigh tomorrow morning encouraging our State legislators to move forward with legislation already advancing gun rights for all. One Senate Bill to protect worshipers in their churches has already been passed to the House for consideration and action. Additionally, I expect the filing of a Concealed Carry Constitutional Amendment to the North Carolina State Constitution to take place soon. In North Carolina, we are advancing gun rights, not further restricting or taking them away.

So tonight, please put an end to this matter, move it to the Action Agenda and unanimously affirm Stokes County employees are NOT second class, defenseless citizens while in the employ of Stokes County Government.



Stephen James

102 Kellystone Drive Apt. 22

King, NC 27021


RE: General Concern


  • Some of you don't know me real well.
  • Rick does and Sonya does.
  • You don't know what kind of fights I can put up but I can promise you it is going to be a big one.
  • What happened Saturday at the Stokes County GOP Convention (Chairman Nickelston stopped Public Comments to inquire if the comments had anything to do with county business)


Mr. James stated that he believed so due to two of you are up there.


Chairman Nickelston reminded Mr. James that comments could not be of a political nature.


After some discussion and a consensus of the Board Mr. James was allowed to continue his comments.


  • During the election cycle this year I was at Poplar Springs pretty much for long hours everyday helping those that were running.
  • I got a thank you from Sonya and a thank you from Wayne Barneycastle and I spent a lot of hours out there.
  • What I saw on Saturday was absolutely a travesty in this county.
  • When a floor is open to nominations it should be open to nominations completely.
  • There was one nomination made by Mr. Ronnie Mendenhall that was seconded by Andy Nickelston and a vote was taken.
  • That is not the way that meetings are supposed to be run and if you two guys don't know that maybe you don't need to have the positions that you have.
  • I can promise you come the next election I will do everything I can to see that you Ronnie Mendenhall and you Andy Nickelston are off this Board.


(County Attorney Browder stopped Mr. James public comments due to the political nature)



With no other individuals signed up for public comments Chairman Nickelston closed the floor for public comments at 6:19 pm.


All attachments presented on the Agenda are available in the attachments of the Agenda on the County Website and are available upon request from the Clerk, with the exception of the minutes approved which are located on the County Website under the minutes tab.


Budget Amendments
Audit Contract Amendment
Tax Office Items for Approval
Vice-Chairman Cox moved to approve the Consent Agenda as presented.

Commissioner Mendenhall seconded the motion. The motion Passed.
Chairman Nickelston noted that there were no items on the Information Agenda at today's meeting.

All attachments presented on the Agenda are available in the attachments of the Agenda on the County Website and are available upon request from the Clerk, with the exception of the minutes approved which are located on the County Website under the minutes tab.




Personnel Policy Updates

Chairman Nickelston turned the floor over to HR Director Gayle Tucker, and HR Assistant Jamie Clark.


Assistant County Manager/Clerk to the Board Shannon Shaver presented the following items discussed at the previous meeting that the Board asked for further information and clarity on:



Clarify Conceal/Carry at Board’s direction – A copy of the policy from Rockingham County allowing conceal carry has been sent to the Sheriff for his input and we will need to know how the Board wishes to proceed so this has been left in the handbook as is for now 


Workplace Searches – all searches by law enforcement and consent from employee- updated to reflect changes requested by the Board


Add Assistant County Manager and take out Commissioners to the decisions on closings and delays- updated to reflect changes requested by the Board


Disclosure and Protection of Confidential Information –define confidential information as non –public - updated to reflect changes requested by the Board


Political Activity Clarification - no direction given on changes so this is as is unless the Board directs us to change


Social Media – have County Attorney Browder to review and give feedback- the social media policy was removed and the current Technology Policy as approved May 27,2003 and amended July 28, 2014 to add a social media policy has been added to the handbook as is


 Possibly add a Remote Working Policy- updated to reflect changes requested by the Board


Be sure each employee acknowledges they receive a new handbook and anytime it is amended employees should receive notification of the change and confirm they received it- This will be done once the handbook is approved and anytime it is amended



Chairman Nickelston opened the floor for any discussion/questions/comments.


After some discussion and consensus of the Board the personnel policy was moved to the Action Agenda for the next meeting with the following updates requested:


  • Use the policy for conceal/carry as is from Rockingham County
  • Remove the section under audits in the I.T. Policy where it states in extreme situations the I.T. Department would report discrepancies to the Board of Commissioners and include that these would be reported to the County Manager.
  • Be sure under disciplinary actions that it states that there is to be no Board of County Commissioners involvement in dismissing an employee not appointed by the Board of County Commissioners.




Board of Adjustments Appointments

Chairman Nickelston turned the floor over to Assistant County Manager/Clerk to the Board Shannon Shaver.


Assistant County Manager/Clerk to the Board Shannon Shaver presented the following information:


  • A request was received from Planning Director David Sudderth to reappoint some Board of Adjustments members and advertise a vacancy.
  • The following members have agreed to continue serving on the Stokes County Board of Adjustments, (BOA). One Board position remains filled until next year:


Marvin Cavanaugh -Chairman


Stephen Jessup - Member


Amos Elvis – Member


  • The Board of Adjustment is a five (5) member Board established to hear appeals, make interpretations and decide variance requests as it relates to the Stokes County Zoning Ordinance. All terms are for three (3) years.
  • One member Carl Hill asked that his name not be considered for reappointment.
  • His seat will need to be filled for a three (3) year term and this vacancy has been posted on the county website.


Chairman Nickelston opened the floor for nominations.


Commissioner Morris nominated Marvin Cavanaugh, Stephen Jessup, and Amos Elvis for reappointment and John Turpin for appointment to the vacant position.


Vice Chair Cox moved to closed the floor for nominations. 


Commissioner Mendenhall seconded.


Chairman Nickelston opened the floor for any discussion/comments/questions.


The motion Passed.


With no further discussion and full consensus of the Board this item was moved to the Action Agenda for the next meeting.





Chairman Nickelston turned the floor over to Assistant County Manager/Clerk to the Board Shannon Shaver.


Assistant County Manager/Clerk to the Board Shannon Shaver presented the following information:


  • On behalf of North Carolina 811, we received a request for a proclamation to designate the month of April as “North Carolina 811 Safe Digging Month”.
  • The North Carolina One Call System (NC811), a utility notification and education center that celebrates its 43rd year of service to the citizens of North Carolina, is a vital part of preventing damages and injuries when excavating.
  • This vital notification service started in 1978 reaching 2.1 million locate requests from excavators to homeowners in 2020.
  • North Carolina law requires that anyone engaging in demolition or excavation activities contact NC811 at least three days prior to beginning the work by calling or clicking 811. 
  • This proclamation is needed prior to April 1, 2021


Chairman Nickelston opened the floor for any discussion/comments/questions.


With no discussion and full consensus of the Board this item was moved to the Action Agenda at the next meeting.

All attachments presented on the Agenda are available in the attachments of the Agenda on the County Website and are available upon request from the Clerk, with the exception of the minutes approved which are located on the County Website under the minutes tab.
Investment Incentive Resolution

Chairman Nickelston turned the floor over to County Manager Jake Oakley.


County Manager Jake Oakley presented the following information to the Board:


  • The Investment Incentive Resolution was presented for consideration with a request for the Resolution to be moved to the Action Agenda for this meeting.
  • The Board directed the Clerk to the Board to set a Public Hearing for citizen input at the beginning of the next Regular Meeting of the Board of County Commissioners but after receiving information from the City of King's Attorney that some final details need to be worked out the public hearing has been postponed.
  • In speaking with County Attorney Browder the Resolution may be approved at this meeting with a new date to be set for the Public Hearing once the agreement between the City of King, the business, and the County of Stokes can be finalized and presented for approval.


Chairman Nickelston opened the floor for any discussion/questions/comments.





Vice-Chairman Cox moved to approve the Investment Incentive Resolution as presented.

Commissioner Morris seconded the motion. The motion Passed.
Closed Session

Chairman Nickelston entertained a motion to enter Closed Session for the following rationale:



To consider the initial employment or appointment of an individual to any office or position, other than a vacancy in the Board of County Commissioners or any other public body, or to consider the qualifications, competence, performance, character, and fitness of any public officer or employee, other than a member of the Board of Commissioners or of some other public body pursuant to G.S. 143-318.11(a)(6)



Commissioner Mendenhall moved to enter Closed Session at 6:48 pm.

Commissioner Barneycastle seconded the motion. The motion Passed.

The Board reentered the open session of the meeting at 7:13 pm.


With no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Nickelston entertained a motion to adjourn.



Commissioner Barneycastle moved to adjourn at 7:13 pm.

Commissioner Mendenhall seconded the motion. The motion Passed.


Shannon Shaver

Clerk to the Board


Andy Nickelston
